Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Life.. in a few years

I hate when people ask me what my vision for the future is. Where do I see my self in five years?!?!? I hardly know where I'm going to be in 3 hours so please. Ever since my vision of college  got fogged up I have not been able to set goals so this is a interesting assignment for me.

I would say that my first goal is to get some kind of job or internship in a publishing company. I know that books are going out of style but I love them and I am an English minor (being an English major was just to impractical). What I would need to do to get this would be to utilize the the career center at school and to speak to people I know in the publishing industry.

The second goal that I have is to travel and go to all the places that I have on my list. The most important thing I would need to start to do to make this happen is save money, that is really the key. But I should also find out more about the places that I want to visit. Find out good places to visit, eat and skip so that I don't wast my time and money in tourist traps. Lastly I think it would be helpful to talk to people who have visited and get their ideas and knowledge.

My last goal is super random. I want to open a bakery. As to the steps to need to achieve these goals I have no idea what to do. I guess that I would need to learn about going in to business for my self and starting a business. Also I should get some real bakery experience seeing as all I have is a love a baking.

so this was useful to me. It was something that I was afraid to do because I was afraid that I would just be upset when or if they didn't come to life. But it is good that they are out in the open so people can support me.

1 comment:

  1. My vision for college has been fogged up also. When entering college I set goal for each year and I have been slacking on these goal. Saying and planning your goals are way different from actually doing them. You want to open a bakery and I want to open a restaurant. I also do not have any training in culinary but all I know is I love cooking.
